David Harvey

The Limits to Capital (1982)


  1. Commodities, Values & Class Relations
    1. Use Values, Exchange Values & Values
    2. Class Relations & the Capitalist Principle of Accumulation
    3. Appendix – The Theory of Value
  2. Production & Distribution
    1. The Share of Variable Capital in Total Social Product, the Value of Labour Power & Wage Rate Determination
    2. The Reduction of Skilled to Simple Labour
    3. The Distribution of Surplus Value & the Transformation from Values into Prices of Production
    4. Interest, Rent & Profit on Merchants’ Capital
  3. Production & Consumption, Demand & Supply & the Realisation of Surplus Value
    1. Production & Consumption, Demand & Supply & the Critique of Say’s Law
    2. The Production of Surplus Value
    3. The Problem of Effective Demand & the Contradiction Between the Relations of Distribution & the Conditions of Realisation of Surplus Value
  4. Technological Change, the Labour Process & the Value Composition of Capital
    1. The Productivity of Labour Under Capitalism
    2. The Labour Process
    3. The Sources of Technological Change Under Capitalism
    4. The Technical, Organic & Value Compositions of Capital
    5. Technological Change & Accumulation
  5. The Changing Organisation of Capitalist Production
  6. The Dynamics of Accumulation
    1. The Production of Surplus Value & the General Law of Capitalist Accumulation
    2. Accumulation Through Expanded Reproduction
    3. The Falling Rate of Profit & its Countervailing Influences
  7. Overaccumulation, Devaluation & the ‘First-Cut’ Theory of Crisis
    1. Overaccumulation & Devaluation of Capital
    2. The ‘Constant Devaluation’ of Capital That Results From the Rising Productivity of Labour
    3. Devaluation Through Crises
  8. Fixed Capital
    1. The Circulation of Fixed Capital
    2. The Relations Between Fixed & Circulating Capital
    3. The Consumption Fund
    4. The Built Environment for Production, Exchange & Consumption
    5. Fixed Capital, the Consumption Fund & the Accumulation of Capital
  9. Money, Credit & Finance
    1. Money & Commodities
    2. The Transformation of Money into Capital
    3. Interest
    4. The Circulation of Interest-Bearing Capital & the Functions of the Credit System
    5. The Credit System: Instrumentalities & Institutions
  10. Finance Capital & its Contradictions
    1. The Credit System According to Marx
    2. Finance Capital According to Lenin & Hilferding
    3. The Contradiction Between the Financial System & its Monetary Base
    4. The Interest Rate & Accumulation
    5. The Accumulation Cycle
    6. The Politics of Money Management
    7. Inflation as a Form of Devaluation
    8. Finance Capital & its Contradictions
    9. The ‘Second Cut’ Theory of Crises: The Relation Between Production, Money & Finance
  11. The Theory of Rent
    1. The Use Value of Land
    2. Landed Property
    3. The Forms of Rent
    4. The Contradictory Role of Ground Rent & Landed Property Within the Capitalist Mode of Production
    5. Distribution Relations & Class Struggle Between Landlord & Capitalist
    6. The Land Market & Fictitious Capital
  12. The Production of Spatial Configurations: The Geographic Mobilities of Capital & Labour
    1. Transport Relations & the Mobility of Capital as Commodities
    2. The Mobility of Variable Capital & Labour Power
    3. The Mobility of Money Capital
    4. The Location of Production Processes
    5. The Spatial Configuration of Built Environments
    6. The Territoriality of Social Infrastructures
    7. The Mobilities of Capital & Labour Taken as a Whole
  13. Crises in the Space Economy of Capitalism: The Dialectics of Imperialism
    1. Uneven Geographical Development
    2. Geographical Concentration & Dispersal
    3. The Regionalisation of Class & Factional Struggle
    4. Hierarchical Arrangements & the Internationalisation of Capital
    5. The ‘Third Cut’ at Crises Theory: Geographical Aspects
    6. Building Towards Global Crises
    7. Imperialism
    8. Inter-Imperialist Rivalries: Global War as the Ultimate Form of Devaluation


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