The Limits to Capital (1982)
- Commodities, Values & Class Relations
- Use Values, Exchange Values & Values
- Class Relations & the Capitalist Principle of Accumulation
- Appendix – The Theory of Value
- Production & Distribution
- The Share of Variable Capital in Total Social Product, the Value of Labour Power & Wage Rate Determination
- The Reduction of Skilled to Simple Labour
- The Distribution of Surplus Value & the Transformation from Values into Prices of Production
- Interest, Rent & Profit on Merchants’ Capital
- Production & Consumption, Demand & Supply & the Realisation of Surplus Value
- Production & Consumption, Demand & Supply & the Critique of Say’s Law
- The Production of Surplus Value
- The Problem of Effective Demand & the Contradiction Between the Relations of Distribution & the Conditions of Realisation of Surplus Value
- Technological Change, the Labour Process & the Value Composition of Capital
- The Productivity of Labour Under Capitalism
- The Labour Process
- The Sources of Technological Change Under Capitalism
- The Technical, Organic & Value Compositions of Capital
- Technological Change & Accumulation
- The Changing Organisation of Capitalist Production
- The Dynamics of Accumulation
- The Production of Surplus Value & the General Law of Capitalist Accumulation
- Accumulation Through Expanded Reproduction
- The Falling Rate of Profit & its Countervailing Influences
- Overaccumulation, Devaluation & the ‘First-Cut’ Theory of Crisis
- Overaccumulation & Devaluation of Capital
- The ‘Constant Devaluation’ of Capital That Results From the Rising Productivity of Labour
- Devaluation Through Crises
- Fixed Capital
- The Circulation of Fixed Capital
- The Relations Between Fixed & Circulating Capital
- The Consumption Fund
- The Built Environment for Production, Exchange & Consumption
- Fixed Capital, the Consumption Fund & the Accumulation of Capital
- Money, Credit & Finance
- Money & Commodities
- The Transformation of Money into Capital
- Interest
- The Circulation of Interest-Bearing Capital & the Functions of the Credit System
- The Credit System: Instrumentalities & Institutions
- Finance Capital & its Contradictions
- The Credit System According to Marx
- Finance Capital According to Lenin & Hilferding
- The Contradiction Between the Financial System & its Monetary Base
- The Interest Rate & Accumulation
- The Accumulation Cycle
- The Politics of Money Management
- Inflation as a Form of Devaluation
- Finance Capital & its Contradictions
- The ‘Second Cut’ Theory of Crises: The Relation Between Production, Money & Finance
- The Theory of Rent
- The Use Value of Land
- Landed Property
- The Forms of Rent
- The Contradictory Role of Ground Rent & Landed Property Within the Capitalist Mode of Production
- Distribution Relations & Class Struggle Between Landlord & Capitalist
- The Land Market & Fictitious Capital
- The Production of Spatial Configurations: The Geographic Mobilities of Capital & Labour
- Transport Relations & the Mobility of Capital as Commodities
- The Mobility of Variable Capital & Labour Power
- The Mobility of Money Capital
- The Location of Production Processes
- The Spatial Configuration of Built Environments
- The Territoriality of Social Infrastructures
- The Mobilities of Capital & Labour Taken as a Whole
- Crises in the Space Economy of Capitalism: The Dialectics of Imperialism
- Uneven Geographical Development
- Geographical Concentration & Dispersal
- The Regionalisation of Class & Factional Struggle
- Hierarchical Arrangements & the Internationalisation of Capital
- The ‘Third Cut’ at Crises Theory: Geographical Aspects
- Building Towards Global Crises
- Imperialism
- Inter-Imperialist Rivalries: Global War as the Ultimate Form of Devaluation