Part Two: The Turnover of Capital
Some parts of capital, e.g. machines, are tied up for longer and so circulate more slowly than other parts, e.g. raw materials or labour-power.
Some commodities take much longer to produce than others, while some stay longer in circulation than others.
All these factors affect the turnover time of capital and so the amount of SV a given capital can produce, independently of the rate of exploitation.
Thus the rate of profit depends not only on the rate of exploitation and the organic composition of capital, but also on the turnover time.
Chapter 7 – Turnover Time and Number of Turnovers
Chapter 8 – Fixed Capital and Circulating Capital
Chapter 9 – The Overall Turnover of the Capital Advanced. Turnover Cycles
Chapter 10 – Theories of Fixed and Circulating Capital. The Physiocrats
Chapter 11 – Theories of Fixed and Circulating Capital. Ricardo
Chapter 12 – The Working Period
Chapter 13 – Productive Time
Chapter 14 – Circulation Time
Chapter 15 – Effect of Circulation Time on the Magnitude of the Capital Advanced
Chapter 16 – The Turnover of Variable Capital
Chapter 17 – The Circulation of Surplus-Value